
Every trice in our life is a turning point, changing us in one way or another. Like a compass constantly changing direction. It is the small things that make a big difference. As time passes we learn how to stop and reflect; we grow into the beings that we’re destined to be. Without accepting the fact that everything changes, we cannot find our perfect composure. It is because we fail to accept the truth of transience that we suffer.

The fear of suffering is worse than suffering itself. We will all reach a low or high peak in our lives demanding major change. But then of course, all it takes to change a life is a moment or fractions of one.In a heartbeat a family can be thrown into the tragic mourning pit of death. With a push, a new life is introduced to our evil world. A smile plants hope in an orphan’s heart, and a drops of water can save a dying man.

Some will ask if we can change what is written in the starts and the heavens, and the answer to that is but a matter of belief. But I’m not interested in either your past or your future. I’m only interested in the present. If you could focus all your energy on concentrating on the present, you’ll live a happy man. Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is the moment that we’re living right now; and I promise you that life is simple. What life isn’t, on the other hand, is easy.